6 Figures Home Caregiving Success Method

Learn To Earn 250k A Year From 5 Private Pay Home Care Clients Working Part Time

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The fastest way for a nurse to triple his/her income, double quality of life & significantly lower work related STRESS is to own a successful caregiving business. This course shows you how step by step.

Highly motivated nurses can and have accomplished this within six months of enrolling in this course.

This course has five distinct components;

#1. Launch Your Agency In A Weekend With The Client Attraction & Retention Marketing System

#2. Nurse Entrepreneurship 101

#3. The Psychology of Success

#4. Weekly coaching and mentorship

#5. A closed facebook group for students to recieve quick help & collaboration

This course is designed for;

* Nurses whose goals are to net (after paying staff and payroll related taxes) a quarter of a million dollars a year or more from a handful of high paying private pay clients.

*Nurses who want to explore the rapidly growing market of caregiving, care management, care navigation, chronic illness management and post hospital and posr rehab care.

* Nurses who want to replace their incomes, add an additonal income stream, work less, have more money each month, lower their stress, increase quality of life, enjoy flexibility and have control of their own time and work life balance.

* Nurses who want to quit their jobs and be able to replace their incomes fast.

* Nurses who want to learn to enjoy their careers through owning a caregiving business where they can use their nursing skills, care management skills, life skills, leadership experience and creativity and be nicely compensated and compensated better than the traditional nurse.

* Nurses who have started a caregiving business and want to learn how to get high paying private pay clients and add additonal income streams to their businesses.

In this course, you will get to master how to form, launch, operate and grow a successful non-medical home care business with at least three services.

This course was born out of experience and data from three years of working with nurses at many stages of their careers and personal life.

What makes this course powerful and transformational is that it covers every learning style and the content is simplifed and can be easily modified to suit each stage of business development.


It starts with Launch Your Agency In A Weekend.

Next is weekly coaching for tweleve months. The long of the program gives the students enough time to obtain the agency license if applicable and to transition from working full time in your job to working full time in your business.

Over the tweleve months, you will learn;

#1. The foundations of nurse entrepreneurship

#2. The psychology of success

#3. Daily business operations through weekly coaching

#4. To grow your business through collaboration and strategic partnerships.

#5. Learn how to start and grow a supplemental staffing business.

For the schedule of upcoming events, please visit www.LaunchYourAgencyWithStella.com.

I look forward to working with you in launching your business and or taking your already operating business to the next level.

In Service & In Care,

Stella Nsong.

The Elder Care Cliff Expert. www.LaunchYourAgencyWithStella.com

Your Instructor

Stella Nsong, Million Dollar Nurse
Stella Nsong, Million Dollar Nurse

Stella Nsong, carries a wealth of practical experience and heartfelt wisdom in the realm of caregiving and eldercare entrepreneurship.

As a seasoned Registered Nurse and a Certified Care Manager, her extensive professional journey has been marked by a tireless dedication to improving the quality of care for older adults.

Stella's deep-rooted commitment to her field is embodied in her recognition as an innovator and thought-leader, with her insights paving the way for caregivers and healthcare entrepreneurs to deliver compassionate, effective services.

Her courses are crystallization of her years of experience and her fervent belief in empowering nurses with the knowledge and tools to achieve financial independence.

With her unique blend of healthcare expertise and business acumen, Stella has crafted a comprehensive guide that not only draws from her own success in starting and growing eldercare businesses but also channels her passion for mentoring others to realize their entrepreneurial ambitions.

Her dedication to making a tangible difference in the lives of her students shines through, making her an authentic and inspiring guide for any aspiring business owner.

You can reach Stella via email to [email protected] or follow her on facebook @RNsInBusiness

Course Curriculum

  FLORIDA APPLICATION: Documents, Tips & Easy Steps To Get Your License
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Teleseminar 5 of 6; Personal & Business Planning
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Teleseminar 6 of 6; PRE-EVENT Questions and Answers
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Business Training & Replay Library 2019
Available in days
days after you enroll
  My First BIG Client Challenge
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have access to the course?
How does until triple the income that you are making at the time that you sign up for the course sound? After enrolling you will have unlimited access to this course for at least two years as frequently as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
Stella would not want you to be unhappy with the course and if you are unhappy, you might be the first because over one hundred nurses have taken this course an no one has been unhappy. If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact Stella in the first 30 days and she will resolve your dissatisfaction and issue a refund if appilcable.
When does the course start and finish?
Launch Your Agency In A Weekend is offered 4-6 times a year at different locations around the country. After registration, all the details will be made available to you through email and through the secret face book group for Launch Your Agency In A Weekend. For general information about the dates and locations of the upcoming event, visit www.LaunchYourAgencyWithStella.com
I have questions and unique situations, how do i know if this program is right for me?
This is a popular question and a very good one. To get a free consultation with Stella, visit www.LaunchYourAgencyWithStella.com and look for the consutation button and then click and you can schedule a free 30 mins consultation with Stella.
I already have a home care business but i am not getting clients. Will this program work for me?
Yes, this program is designed for both the nurse who is starting out and the nurse who has an exiting business and wants to add a private pay division. Nurses who already have a business get the best results from this program.

Get started now!